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March 5, 2025 - Ash Wednesday - Pastor Psomi points out that our reading today calls us to continue our Lenten practices throughout the year so that we can be our authentic selves and make the world a better place.
Worship Video Library
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3/5/2025 - Ash Wednesday - Pastor Psomi points out that our reading today calls us to continue our Lenten practices throughout the year so that we can be our authentic selves and make the world a better place.
3/2/2025 - Transfiguration - Jesus took Peter, James and John with him up to the mountain to pray and while doing so was transformed in their midst and was joined by Moses and Elijah when God speaks again, proclaiming Jesus as his Son, and admonishes the disciples to listen to Jesus.
2/23/2025 - 7th Sunday after Epiphany - Jesus speaks of turning the other cheek when struck, and offering your tunic if someone wants your coat, with the purpose of demonstrating justice and calling others to justice and showing radical love, even to our enemies and outsiders.
2/16/2025 - 6th Sunday after Epiphany - Rev. Gladys Moore fills in for us today. Jesus beatitudes in Luke as spoken from the level plain, not the mount, and he brings his message down to our level to stand with us as we move through life and our joys and struggles.
2/2/2025 - 4th Sunday after Epiphany - When Jesus is presented in the temple (as an infant) Simeon and Anna proclaim the recognition of Jesus as Messiah... the one who will save not only Israel but all people ... a light for revelation to the Gentiles.
1/26/2025 - 3rd Sunday after Epiphany - Jesus announces to the synagogue in Galilee that the scriptures have been fulfilled in their midst (and here begins his troubles).
1/19/2025 - 2nd Sunday after Epiphany -Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding and so begins his ministry and the beginning of his call to discipleship.
1/12/2025 - 1st Sunday After Epiphany - Baptism of Our Lord and the 1st Sunday after Epiphany. We hear, direct from God, that Jesus is his Son. Through him all the waters of the earth are made holy, and we each are called into the family of God to go and serve as Jesus did.
1/5/2025 - Epiphany. We join the Magi in their search and rejoicing at finding the newborn King.
12/13/24 - Christmas Concert - performed by our Minister of Music, Don Ehrmann - Part 1 (pre-intermission) and Part 2 (post-intermission)
12/15/2024 - 3rd Sunday of Advent. We are called to look outward, to the needs of others, as we prepare for the Messiah.
12/8/2024 - 2nd Sunday in Advent - John the Baptist calls you to change your ways and prepare your heart for the coming of the Savior.
!2/1/2024 - 1st Sunday of Advent - We are to be on guard and keep watch! The signs will be there for the coming of the Messiah. Are you ready?
11/24/2024 - Christ the King Sunday - What makes someone king? What kind of king was Jesus?
11/17/2024 - 26th Sunday After Pentecost - For God nothing is impossible. With God all things are possible.
11/10/2024 - 25th Sunday After Pentecost - Mark 12:38-44 - Trust in God - God is a God of Abundance.
11/3/24 - All Saints Sunday
10/27/24 - What’s A Lutheran? - A Reformation Drama to help explain why we call ourselves Lutherans, and what is Reformation Sunday all about?
10/27/24 - Reformation Sunday
3/24/24 - Palm Sunday - Journey with us today as we cry “Hosanna!” at Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, but only a few short days later are crying “Crucify Him!” We are a fickle people but God does not walk away from us. Just the opposite he dies for us, to conquer death and eternal separation, and bring us back into relationship with Him.
3/17/24 - Lent 5 - God calls us to leave behind our old selves and become something new, like a seed that appears to die in the earth only to spring forth into a plant that bears much fruit, we are called to be the voice, hands and heart of God on earth for all people.
3/10/24 - Lent 4 - God keeps God’s promises and never abandons us. When the Israelites wandered in the desert God walked with them. Today God walks with all God’s children, no matter where we wander.
2/25/24 - Lent 2 - What does it mean to “take up your cross and follow Jesus?” Pastor Psomi talks about sacrificial love.
2/18/24 - Lent 1 - In the story of Noah, we hear God’s promise never to destroy the whole earth by flood again. God seals this promise with the rainbow. A rainbow can mean many things to different people but for God it means his promise.
2.14/24 - Ash Wednesday - Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return
2/11/24 - Transfiguration - Today, Pastor Arden Krych joins us as guest pastor to speak about the Transfiguration.
2/4/24 - Epiphany 5 - Pastor Psomi talks about "holy service" and how when we are carried and healed by God, our desire for service in thanks results in a desire to do "holy service" and that this is our way of living diakonia.
1/28/24 - Epiphany 4 - In today’s Gospel, Jesus casts out a demon. Are you ready to listen to Jesus? Are you willing to let go of the things that bind you?
1/21/24 - Epiphany 3 - Jesus calls his disciples to be fishers of people. Are you willing to follow Jesus?
1/14/24 - Epiphany 1-2 - John the Baptist pointed the people of Jesus’ day, and calls us to look for Jesus. God puts people and events in our lives to point us to Jesus. Are you listening.
12/24/23 - Christmas Eve - Rejoice! Our Savior is born!
12/24/23 - Advent 4 - It’s almost Christmas! Join us today as we celebrate with Mary.
12/17/23 - Advent 3 - Pastor Psomi reminds us that Jesus had always and always will be the Light of the World, and in today’s Gospel John the Baptist tells us that he has come to testify to the Light. We are called to do the same and testify to the Light of Jesus Christ in the world
12/10/23 - Advent 2 - In the 2nd Sunday of Advent we hear the Gospel writer Mark confirm for us that John the Baptist was the one Isaiah foretold would come to prepare the way for the Messiah. We are told to get ready, and to make a way for Christ to enter into our world.
12/3/23 - Advent 1 - (sound is missing until 4:30) Today’s lessons address the suffering of Israel, and of nations, then and now, and how we are called to be awake, and be ready for God to break into our lives, for we don’t know the day or hour when that might be.
11/26/23 - Christ Reigns - 26th Sunday after Pentecost - We talk about the Kingship but more importantly the commission given to us to treat others as we would treat Jesus, because they are Him.
11/20/23 - Interfaith Thanksgiving Gathering - The many faith and spiritual traditions of Parsippany came together at St. Andrew, to join in a Thanksgiving Gathering, hosted by the Parsippany Interfaith Council. We rejoiced in the many things for which we are thankful. We celebrate our unique cultures and faith traditions while embracing that which unites us as one community.
11/19/23 - 25th Sunday after Pentecost - In today’s Gospel from Matthew 25:14-30 we hear of the Master entrusting his slaves with large treasure and celebrating those servants who multiplied the value of the talents given, but chastised the servant that did not multiply the gift given to him but hid it away. We are called to share the gifts and talents that God has given to us.
11/05/23 - All Saint's Sunday - Join us today as we celebrate All Saints Sunday.
10/29/23 - Reformation Sunday - Join us today as we celebrate Reformation Sunday.
10/15/23 - 20th Sunday after Pentecost - Pastor Psomi returns to St. Andrew after an extended absence and we rejoice with her, as we hear in today’s Gospel lesson from Matthew 22:1-14, that God is pleased and rejoices with us by inviting us all to his banquet table. But some are too busy, and some are not ready. We are called to be ready to fulfill our mission to reach out to others with the love and mercy of Christ.
10/8/23 - 19th Sunday after Pentecost - Guest preacher, the Rev. Arden Krych, talks about vineyards and the Matthew 21:33-46 Gospel story of how the vineyard alludes to the Kingdom of God.
10/1/23 - 18th Sunday after Pentecost - Pastor Moore leads us once again into a discussion of the word “authority” with regard to the Pharisees trying to trick Jesus when they want to know by whose authority Jesus says teaches and does what he does.
9/24/23 - 17th Sunday after Pentecost - The Rev. Gladys Moore talks about the Old Testament lesson of Jonah disobeying God’s command to go to Ninevah and his “why”, and God’s response to Jonah as a lesson for us all in the wideness of God’s love and mercy.
9/17/23 - 16th Sunday After Pentecost - Rev. Glady Moore discusses the Gospel of Matthew 18:21-35 which discusses the story of the merciful land owner and the ungrateful servant which is a cautionary lesson in forgiveness and remembering God's abundant mercy in the face of the harmfulness of sin.
9/10/23 - 15th Sunday after Pentecost - Rev. Gladys Moore discusses the verses "where two or more are gathered in my name" and how we need to be acting as Christians in the world today and to speak, hear and listen to the truth in Love.
9/3/23 - 14th Sunday after Pentecost (Labor Day weekend) - Rev. Gladys Moore joins us once again to lead our worship while Pastor Psomi recovers from surgery. She puts on the face of Peter and recalls what he, and we, often encounter as we struggle to be both saint and sinner, servicing as both the building blocks of God’s church and the stumbling blocks to those seeking access to God's love and mercy.
8/27/23 - 13th Sunday after Pentecost - Pastor Fred Becker from Trinity Lutheran Church in Dover was our guest preacher today as we welcome that congregation to join with us. Today we hear Peter’s declaration that Jesus was the Messiah and we learn how seditious a proclamation that was in that Roman city of Caesarea Philippi. Today, even as the Church continues to shrink, the world still needs the Church. Our confession that Jesus is Lord and that our triune God is in charge of everything is still a controversial proclamation as the world constantly screams that other things should take priority.
8/20/23 - 12th Sunday after Pentecost - In today’s controversial Gospel story we hear Jesus come to grips with the fullness of his ministry. In his humanity, he was subject to the cultural blinders of his 1st century Jewishness. But in this story, the persistence of the Canaanite woman pleading for Jesus to heal her daughter, Jesus recognizes that his ministry is intended for ALL people, not just Jews, but also for Gentiles, for women, for the outcast outside our myopic bubbles.
8/13/23 - 11th Sunday after Pentecost - St Andrew worshipped together with Trinity Lutheran Church at their facility in Dover NJ. We hear the story of Jesus commanding Peter to come out to him and walk on the water, and he does until his focus on Jesus falters and he begins to sink. We too frequently find ourselves losing focus on Jesus. Imagine how strong we could be, and what we could accomplish, if we could keep our focus on Christ.
8/6/23 - 10th Sunday after Pentecost - The miracle of the feeding of the 5,000
7/23/23 - 8th Sunday in Pentecost - The parable of the weeds and the wheat.
7/9/23 - 6th Sunday in Pentecost - Our guest preacher, Rev. Arden Krych, ties together the Gospel lessons of recent weeks and discusses Jesus call to us to come to him, those who are weary.
7/2/23 - 5th Sunday in Pentecost - Rev. Psomi talks about how St. Andrew really fullys the message of today’s Gospel, calling us to be welcoming.
6/25/23 - 4th Sunday in Pentecost - Pastor Psomi talks about how we need to face our challenges knowing that God has a plan and would not have us walk our path alone. We are called to speak to others about our challenges and how God has walked with us.
6/18/23 - 3rd Sunday of Pentecost - Today’s Gospel lesson is a detail of the instructions and training that Jesus gave to his disciples as he sent them out into the world. The Gospel helps us to understand our own training that God has given us to be ready to sent out into the world, nourished with the Word and the Eucharist, so that we can walk out in the world, with the Holy Spirit at our side.
6/11/23 - 2nd Sunday of Pentecost - Listen today as we are reminded that Jesus ate with sinners, including Matthew, whom he called to be his disciple. May we live as if Jesus has decided to eat at our table, so that we can go and be a blessing to others.
6/4/23 - Trinity Sunday - Listen in today and Pastor Psomi uses three different musical instruments to help explain the concept of the Holy Trinity.
5/28/23 - Pentecost - We hear the Gospel story of Pentecost today and are reminded that the Gospel is not something left to the dust of ancient days. What the disciples were going through… we go through similar fears, frustrations and concerns today, but now as then, God sends us peace and the power and comfort of the Holy Spirit.
5/21/23 - Ascension Sunday - We dig around in today’s Gospel to try to understand the confusion that the disciples must have felt when Jesus leaves them again, to ascend to heaven. We can relate as we do not see Jesus face to face, and also have to rely on trust that the Holy Spirit walks with us daily as Jesus has promised.
5/14/23 - 6th Sunday in Easter - Jesus calls us to use the tools he has given us to walk forward every day and be the people of God as he tells the disciples he is leaving but sending the Holy Spirit to live with us always.
4/16/23 - 2nd Sunday in Easter - Thomas wanted to see the crucifixion wounds in order to believe, but he never actually touched Jesus. God gives us what we need, not always what we ask for.
4/15/23 - Ordination & Installation of The Rev. Mary Anne “Psomi” Psomas-Jackloski. (Camera 2) Hallelujah! We journey together with praise and thanksgiving as God leads us forward.
4/15/23 - Ordination & Installation of The Rev. Mary Anne “Psomi” Psomas-Jackloski. (Camera 1)
4/9/23 - Easter Sunday - Join us as we rejoice in the Resurrection of Christ! Hallejuah, he is Risen!
4/7/23 - Good Friday - Tonight we face the somber reality that our calls for crucifixion have left us with our Lord taken away and killed on the cross. We feel alone, but even alone as Christ felt on the cross he still appealed to God the father for our salvation, so that we might be forgiven and brought into eternal relationship with our Creator, so that we may never need to face the pit of death and despair alone. After the service we leave in darkness, hoping for the Resurrection of Easter to bring life and light to the World.
4/6/23 - Maundy Thursday - Tonight we find ourselves at dinner with our Lord, but one will betray him and another deny him not once, but three times. Think you could do better? These were Jesus’ closest friends who failed to yield to the pressure of the testing of their faith. But Jesus knew this, and forgave them, as he forgives us for our weaknesses, every day.
4/2/23 - Palm Sunday - Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday and Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem and our shouts of Hosanana! and ends with Jesus’ death on the cross and our shouts of “Crucify him!” How fickle we are…
3/12/23 - 3rd Sunday in Lent - The Gospel story today is read in dialogue story form, as we hear the story of Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman at the well about living water. Jesus proclaims that his salvation is for all not just the Jews.
3/5/23 - 2nd Sunday in Lent - Today we hear the Gospel story of the pharisee Nicodemus coming to Jesus and their discussion about what it means to be born again.
2/26/23 - 1st Sunday in Lent - Today we hear the Gospel of the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, and the challenge that Jesus, and we all face to put God first in our lives.
2/22/23 - Ash Wednesday
2/19/23 - Transfiguration Sunday - Pastor Psomi talk about the experiences in our life that help us to recognize Jesus as Lord in the same way that this day is when Peter first acknowledged Jesus as “Lord!”
2/12/23 -6th Sunday of Epiphany - Pastor Psomi encourages us to get into some “good trouble”
2/5/23 - 5th Sunday of Epiphany - In the continuation on the discussion of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, Pastor Psomi discusses salt and light and how we, the Church, are called to be both in the world.
1/29/23 - 4th Sunday of Epiphany - In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus gives the sermon on the mount and talks about “blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” Pastor Psomi talks about how WE are also a blessing.
1/22/23 - 3rd Sunday of Epiphany - Listen today as Vicar Psomi talks about Jesus and the calling of the first Disciples.
1/15/23 - 2nd Sunday of Epiphany - Enjoy the sermon from our guest preacher Rev. Gladys Moore as she talks about John the Baptist, and the calling of the Disciples.
12/24/22 - Christmas Eve - Enjoy our Christmas Eve Worship Service as we rejoice with the Angels and the Shepherds that God has come to live within each of us. Immanuel - God is with us. Glory to God in the Highest!
12/18/22 - Advent 4 - Imagine the confusion, the disappointment, the “holy darkness” that must have enshrouded Joseph, and Mary, when their plans were upended by God. But the angel convinces Joseph to lean on his faith and like Mary, say ‘yes” to God. With their faith, they journey forward and God does not abandon them. In fact God promises to be with us in our darkest days and nights. If Christmas sees you living in a “holy darkness” remember God is with you, always.
12/11/22 - Advent 3 - On this 3rd Sunday in Advent God challenges us again to hear the words of John the Baptist calling us to do things differently. When John asks the disciples if he’s been on the right path, Jesus tells them to tell John that the signs foretold in Isaiah have come true. In the same way, we are to look for the signs that point to Jesus, and then also be a marker for those seeking him as well.
12/4/22 - Advent 2 - We hear again from Isaiah and Matthew about how Jesus has come, not just for the Jews, but for all people which is entirely new thinking to the Jews of the time. We are challenged by John the Baptist to do a 180 degree turn around and change the way we do things and the way we think about things.
11/27/22 - Advent 1 -We hear today from Isaiah and Matthew that we need to get ready for Christ is coming and we need to be ready to share the Light and Peace of Christ with the world.
11/20/22 - Christ the King Sunday - Listen to Rev. Gladys Moore discuss the Kingship of Jesus Christ and how Jesus was not the type of King we expected but is exactly the King we needed.
11/13/22 - Pentecost 23 - Today we talk about how God asks us to trust in him, and in each other, when we contemplate our time, talents, offerings and when we feel alone or overwhelmed.
11/6/22 - All Saints Sunday - Join us today to hear “A Letter from God to Saint Andrew on All Saints”
10/30/22 - Reformation Sunday - We celebrate our Lutheran heritage as we remember the reformers of the Church, particularly Martin Luther, and those who sought to change the church where it had strayed from the message of God. This year, we celebrate 500 years of Bible translation into the language of the common people.
10/23/22 - Pentecost 20 - Who love you? God loves you passionately… whether you are saint or sinner. Listen in and hear this wonderful news.
10/16/22 - Pentecost 19 - Today’s sermon is about how we pray. We can pray with words and our songs, but today is about how we pray with our bodies; how we use our physical self to bring change in the world, to glorify God, and make the world a better place.
10/9/22 - Pentecost 18 - Jesus meets 10 lepers on the road between Samaria and Galilee and heals them. He sends them to the temple priest for confirmation of healing and cleansing, but only one returns to give God thanks, recognizing the Holy in Jesus. Do you give thanks for the blessings God has bestowed on you?
10/2/22 - Pentecost 17 - Do you have just a little faith? Today we talk about mustard seed faith and how it only takes a little faith to make big things happen.
9/25/22 - Pentecost 16 - Today’s story of the rich man and the beggar Lazarus at his gate calls us to open our eyes and see with God’s eyes. Who is in need that we are not seeing? How do we ensure justice for the least among us?
9/18/22 - Pentectost 15 - Today we hear the story of the shrew manager and Jesus asks, if we are unfaithful with little things, how can we be entrusted with greater things? We look at our call to stewardship of God’s Creation and reflect on ways to be better stewards of what we have been charged with caring.
9/11/22 - Pentecost 14 - Vicar Psomi reflects on how very precious each one of us is to God as we hear the parables of the lost sheep, and the loss coin.
9/4/22 - Pentecost 13 - Vicar Psomi examines our call to love our neighbors and to love God above all else.
8/21/22 - Pentecost 11 - Vice Pastor Gladys Moore talks about how Jesus wants the Church to be a place of freedom and healing, and that we need to talk about our faith community in the same way, so that our brothers and sisters in the world might find this same freedom and healing.
8/14/22 - Pentecost 10 - Today Vicar Psomi talks about how we have to work to keep faithful, and to know when we might fail to be faithful, God does not abandon us. God walks with us always, right here ... now... in your midst. We must walk through the trials of life to follow the path where God meets us.
8/7/22 - Pentecost 9 - What will you inherit? What inheritance is important to you? How will you share the wealth (of all sorts) with those who have less? Listen in today for some thoughts on today’s lessons on this subject.
7/31/22 - Pentecost 8 - Who is kin to you? Who is kind to you? Who make up the support group the helps you in your faith journey? Join our discussion on how your life may be strengthened by others.
7/24/22 - Pentecost 7 - Vicar Psomi talks to us today about the practice of prayer and how this brings us into an intimate relationship with God.
7/17/22 - Pentecost 6 - Today Vice Pastor Gladys Moore preaches about “focus” and “love” lessons in the story of Jesus’ visit to Mary, Martha and Lazarus in Bethany.
7/10/22 - Pentecost 5 - Today Vicar Psomi asked us to think about the parable of the Good Samaritan and what that story looks like for us today.
7/3/22 - Pentecost 4 - Vicar Psomi expounds upon how much God delights in his/her children and how that all encompassing love of God empowers us to go our into our communities and share that love.
6/19/22 - Pentecost 1 - Today Vicar Psomi discusses the Gospel story of Luke where Jesus frees a man from the demon(s) that possess him.
6/12/22 - Holy Trinity - The Holy Trinity is a difficult concept to grasp. One God in 3 persons. Three essences in One God. Listen in and hear how Vicar Psomi brings this unique facet of Christianity to our discussion for today.
6/5/22 - Pentecost - What is the Holy Spirit? Listen and catch a glimpse of what God means for us to be filled with his Spirit.
5/29/22 - Easter 7 - In light of recent violence, Vicar Psomi calls us to listen and to act, as we are guided by the Holy Spirit through today’s lessons in Acts 16:16-34 and the Gospel of John 17:20-26
5/22/22 - Easter 6 - Come meet the people of Acts 16:9-15 and learn how God calls us to be a people of prayer through the Holy Spirit so that we can claim a deeper relationship with Him.
5/8/22 - Good Shepherd Sunday/Mother’s Day - Join us to hear Vicar Psomi’s sermon on the Good Shepherd and Mother’s Day.
5/1/22 - Easter 3 -In today's Gospel story, the disciples have left Jerusalem and are fishing at the Sea of Tiberius. Jesus, having observed that the disciples have caught no fish, tells them to put the net down on the other side of the boat, where they then caught so many fishes but yet the nets did not break. Jesus calls them in to have fish breakfast with him, and here he tells them that they will now go out into the world to fish for people and make disciples of all nations. He reminds them that He will be with them always. Jesus tells Peter 3 times to tend His sheep. As Jesus draws the disciples to him, and the disciples draw the fish from the sea, Jesus tell us to go out into the world and tend his sheep, to draw people to them and to Him. In all the things we do in our lives, we are called to tend Jesus' sheep.
4/24/22 - Easter 2 - Vice Pastor Gladys Moore speaks to us on the Gospel of John 20:19-31. We often malign the disciple Thomas who was not with the disciples when Jesus appeared to the other disciples in the locked room, and said he would not believe unless he saw the wounded hands and side of Jesus. The first Easter was far from being a celebratory day and so we can forgive Thomas for being a bit doubtful. But Jesus comes to them again and greets them with "Peace. My Peace be with you."
4/17/22 - Easter Sunday - Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Celebrate our Easter Joy… it’s not just another day. Don’t let the distance of 2000 years dampen the wonder and excitement of what wonderful new greeted the disciples on that first Easter.
4/14/22 - Maundy Thursday - Join us for Holy Thursday/Maundy Thursday and hear the story of the Passover Jesus shared with His disciples. Vicar Psomi gives examples of how we carry Jesus' love for each other out into the world ... remembering how Jesus said "This is my body... given for you. This is my blood shed for you." We are called to love one another, just as Jesus has loved us.
4/10/22 - Lent 6 - Today Vicar Psomi points out how even in the midst of the storms of life, we still need to stop and make Jesus the center of our life.
4/3/22 - Lent 5 - Join us as Vicar Psomi recounts a story of her visit to the Grand Canyon as a young person and how it had taken everything she had to get out of the canyon, and how that sense of giving EVERYTHING is exactly that Jesus expects from us. Mary gave her most expensive perfumed ointment, all of it, to anoint Jesus feet. This story in John 12:1-8 is full of juxtapositions of life and death, and foreshadowing of Jesus death and resurrection, and the costs of discipleship and giving everything to Jesus
3/20/22 - Lent 3 - Join us for the 3rd Sunday in Lent when Vicar Psomi retells a story of a family trauma that illustrates how we each walk around with a few trauma stories of our own. Today's lessons call us to understand that God calls us to healing, and reminds us the He will walk with us (Isaiah 55:1-9). He invites us to come to Him and be in a right relationship with Him. He will tend and nourish us until we flourish if we let him. (Luke 13:1-9)
3/13/22 - Lent 2 - Listen as Vicar Psomi talks about how God asks us to trust him as she discusses our lessons for today,
12/26/21 - Christmas 1 - Lessons and Carols for Christmas
12/25/21 - Christmas Concert - Special music from our Minister of Music
12/24/21 - Christmas Eve - Join us as we celebrate the Savior’s birth
12/19/21 - Advent 4 - Zechariah sings his song of love and promise to his son, John the Baptist, who will prepare the way for the Messiah, and his cousin, Jesus.
12/12/21 - Advent 3 -Join us as we sing with Mary her Magnificat, and her wonder at what God has done for her, and continues to do for us.
12/5/21 - Advent 2 - Join us today as Mary learns of the miraculous thing God has planned for her, and hear her faithful answer “Yes!”
11/28/21 - Advent 1 - Join us for the first Sunday of Advent as we begin preparing our hearts and minds for the coming of the new King and Savior, Jesus, Immanuel.
11/21/21 - Christ the King Sunday - Join us as we remember who is our one true King, and think about what kind of king we truly desire.
11/14/21 - Pentecost 25 -Join us today and hear 2 stories about how the widows in the Bible stories model not only how we should give, but also how we are called to respond to those around us.
11/7/21 - All Saints Sunday - Join us for All Saints Sunday and remember those who have made an impact on your faith life. Ponder also that Martin Luther finds that we are ALL both saints and sinners, and yet we are all also Children of God.
10/31/21 - Reformation Sunday - Join us as we celebrate the Reformation of the Church, in every age, including this time as it looks to right the wrongs of racial injustice and inequity.
10/24/21 - Pentecost 22 - Join us as we hear a miracle in the Gospel of Mark and Jesus wants us to think good and hard about what we ask of God, and be careful what you expect.
10/17/21 - Pentecost 21 - Come and learn what Jesus means when he says the first will be last and the last will be first.
10/10/21 -Pentecost 20 - In today’s message we hear a wealthy but faithful man ask Jesus, “What must I do to enter the kingdom of heaven?” Don’t we all want to know the answer to that? Jesus’ response provides a challenge to many of us. Are we up to the task?
10/3/21 - Feast of St. Francis & St. Clare - Join us today as we celebrate the Feast Days of St. Francis and St. Clare.
9/26/21 - Pentecost 18 - Today we look at the the Gospel of Mark 9, and question of what is it that we are supposed to be doing, as a church, as followers of Christ?
9/19/21 - Pentecost 17 - Join us today and hear what Jesus says when the disciples start wondering who will be first in the kingdom of God. They may have been surprised. Are you?
9/12/21 - Pentecost 16 - This week we hear Jesus ask his disciples "And who do you say that I am?" Our tongues often get us into trouble. Who we say that Jesus is with our words may often be in conflict with our actions. Do your actions speak the same message as our words?
9/5/21 - Pentecost 15 - Today Jesus reminds us how human he was when he realizes that the prejudices he grew up with are an impediment to his real ministry and that the love of God extends to ALL of God’s children.
8/29/21 -Pentecost 14 - Are you a bit of a rebel? You’ll resonate with this week’s lesson where Jesus breaks a few rules to point out that the more important rule is to love our neighbor.
8/22/21 - Pentecost 13 - Jesus once again discusses how his followers are to “eat his body and drink his blood” and that’s just too much for some of them and they leave. Jesus call us to trust in him. Those disciples who remained with Jesus ask “Lord to whom shall we go? YOU have the words of eternal life!” Is it too much for you? Can you follow Jesus and trust him to be your Bread of Life?
8/15/21 - Pentecost 12 - One more time in the Gospel of John (in case we did not understand how important this lesson is) , Jesus reiterates the HE is the Bread of Life and that all who eat of his body and drink of his blood will have life everlasting. Gruesome? Listen in and hear how we are to think about this. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross guarantees us an eternal banquet feast in the company of God and the community of faith through Christ. From THIS meal we will never walk away hungry or thirsty because God is a God of abundance and love.
8/8/21 - Pentecost 11 - Again, Jesus tells the disciples and the crowd that HE is the Bread of Life. John’s Gospel seems to talk in circles… what does this really mean? Listen in and find out.
8/1/21 - Pentecost 10 - Jesus talks again to the crowd of 5,000 who still seek him and tell them HE is the Bread of Life. What does that mean? Listen in for a “taste.”
7/25/21 - Pentecost 9 - Jesus created a miracle out of 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. What can you do with what you are given?
6/27/21 - Pentecost 5 - Some days you really wish for a miracle. This Sunday we hear 2 miracles stories from the Gospel of Mark, and while yet different, they are uniquely intertwined to help us understand something special about faith and Jesus and the kingdom of God.
6/20/21 - Pentecost 4 - On Father’s Day we hear the story of how Jesus calmed the storm and ordered the waves and the wind to subside, amazing the disciples. Jesus asks them “Why are you afraid? Do you have no faith?” We are being challenged as well to remember that Jesus is with us in the storms of our own lives. We just need to remember that he has the power to calm the storms and have faith in God to save us.
6/13/21 - Pentecost 3 - In today’s lesson Jesus tells the parable of the mustard seek to try to explain what the kingdom of God is like and how we are called to bring the kingdom to life in the world today.
6/6/21 - Pentecost 2 - In today’s lesson Jesus points out that a house divided against itself can not stand and calls us to examine “Who are my brothers and sisters?”
5/30/21 - Holy Trinity Sunday - Come meet the Bishop of the NJ Synod of the ELCA, Rev. Traci Bartholomew, as the church of the Central Cluster join together to present this week’s Holy Trinity Sunday worship service and try to help us grasp this mystery of a Triune God - One God known to us in 3 ways: Father/Creator; Son/Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit.
5/23/21 - Pentecost Sunday - Come and be filled with the Holy Spirit, given to you in baptism. Come, child of God and share the Good News with the world.
5/16/21 - Ascension Sunday - Join the disciples on Ascension Sunday as they look to the sky for answers (like we often do). Like a preview to the big movie you planned to see, Ascension Sunday promises an even better story that will change your life forever. Come back NEXT week to hear THAT story. But listen to THIS one so you can be prepared….
5/9/21 - Camp Sunday - Watch the Worship video from CrossRoads Camp and Retreat Center in Port Murray NJ for Camp Sunday. Honor your mom and give her a break… check out how cool camp can be. You can learn more about CrossRoads here.
5/2/21 - Easter 5 - In the Book of Acts of the Apostles we hear the story of how Philip reveals the meaning of the Scriptures to an Ethiopian eunuch, who would normally be an outcast in the faith community, but learned from Philip that we are ALL welcome in the family of God.
4/25/21 - Easter 4 - Good Shepherd Sunday.
4/18/21 - Easter 3 - The disciples are very much like us. They are hiding in fear; trying to figure out what the next step is in their period of crisis. But Jesus appears to them and shows them his hands and side, reaveals the Scriptures to them, and they are emboldened to carry the Gospel out into the world.
4/11/21 - Easter 2 - Lost and unsure what to do after Jesus death; the disciples wonder what to do now?
4/4/21 - Easter Sunday - Hallelujah! Jesus is Risen! Join us as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord.
4.2.21 - Good Friday - Join us for worship for Good Friday as messages from the churches of the Central Cluster of the NJ Synod of the ELCA present a join worship service focusing on the Sever Last Words of Christ.
4/1/21 - Maundy Thursday - As Jesus and his disciples gather to celebrate the Passover in Jerusalem, the disciples share a Last Supper meal with Jesus, before betrayal and denial send Jesus to the cross… for it is not only the disciples who betray Jesus, but each of us as well, every time we turn our back on someone in need or fail to stand up for what is right and fight for justice. But Jesus knew the failings of the disciples, and he knows each of our failings too, and yet we are forgiven.
3/28/21 - Palm Sunday - Jesus rides into Jerusalem as triumphant servant Lord on the back of a donkey. His increasing popularity have caught the attention of the ruling classes and they begin to plot his death.
3/21/21 - Lent 5 - God has made a new covenant with us and we are loved forever. Now we must break free from our comfort zones and make changes in the world to bring the love of God to those who are the least among us, and most vulnerable.
3/14/21 - Lent 4 - Reflect today on the message that Jesus was prepared and knew that he was the Son through which the world would be saved.
3/7/21 - Lent 3 - Why do we worship together in church? Why do we “go to church?”
2/28/21 - Lent 2 - God keeps the promises God makes, and with great abundance will prosper you.
2/21/21 - Lent 1 - Do you feel like you are wandering in the wilderness? Know that you are not alone!
2/17/21 - Ash Wednesday
2/14/21 - Transfiguration - We may enjoy our mountaintop experiences, but we are called to return to the valley to bring Christ to the world.