Our Doors Are Open

All Are Welcome Here

Join Us on the Journey…

Sundays at 9:30

Watch Our Accessibility Video HERE

Welcome to Saint Andrew!

Faithful lives and generous hearts…

because of Christ…


335 Reynolds Ave., Parsippany NJ 07054

(973) 887-6713

Watch our Accessibility Video HERE

Accessible to everyone

Accessible to everyone

Disability Pride

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All are welcome


Welcome to Saint Andrew Lutheran Church! We’re so glad you found us. We invite you to explore this website and learn more about us. We hope you’ll visit to really get to know us. We are located in the Morris County community of Parsippany NJ.

We invite you to see how worship can be fun and reverent, friendly and introspective, nurturing and outward reaching.

WE CARE. At Saint Andrew, you are welcome. You are a child of God and welcome to join this faith community where we hope you will deepen your relationship with God - the Creator, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. As a member of the family of God, we seek to share the love of Christ with each other, our communities, our nation and the world.


Where you are going is more important than where you’ve been.

Who you will become is more important than who you were before.

Queer/Straight? We don’t care.

Married/Divorced? Old/Young? We don’t care.

Black/brown/white/purple/rainbow? We don’t care.

What unites us as children of God is more important than the differences between us. In fact, we delight in the unique colors that you will weave into the fabric of life at Saint Andrew. We look forward to the ways you will be able to share the gifts and talents God has given to you (yes, you do have some, no matter how small you think they might be) with this community and with the world.

You are welcome here. Some of us have searched for answers, some of us were raised in Christian homes. Many of us were not raised as Lutheran Christians, but instead found in the Lutheran Church, and particularly at Saint Andrew, a life and a community that fills our spiritual needs.

Each week, the Invitation to Holy Communion is open to all who wish to receive it.

Saint Andrew is barrier-free and accessible to everyone. There are no stairs to impede your travel throughout the building. (Watch our Accessibility Video HERE). In the summer, we are air-conditioned. We hope to see you soon. If you are interested in membership at Saint Andrew, please speak to Pastor Psomi.

Come… join us on the journey!

“Saint Andrew is that little gem you find off the beaten path. But once you come here, you are welcome and you just keep coming back."

— Gina S., member of Saint Andrew

Join us for Worship!

We invite you to join us for worship. Sundays at 9:30 am

Holy Communion is offered every week.

Sermons are available on our Facebook page, YouTube channel and our Online Worship link.

The Lutheran worship service draws from the rich history of our liturgical beginnings but incorporates the relevant concerns and prayers, insights, music and messages important to our lives today. Our music resources draw from a variety of traditional and more contemporary styles.

Children are welcome in worship. We understand they fidget, but we also know that the best way to learn to behave in worship is to BE in worship. For those times when they might be just too restless for everyone’s enjoyment of the service, our narthex (lobby) provides clear glass walls and doors to separate the sanctuary from the narthex, so that parents can see what is happening in worship, and a speaker system that allows a parent to hear the service.

Our bulletins are printed in full. (Large print available). Please recycle it in the basket at the back of the sanctuary.

We offer grape juice and gluten free wafers for Holy Communion if wine and bread pose a challenge for you.


Join us as we do God’s Work with Our Hands.

Saint Andrew Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). We participate in many church-wide outreach programs, including ELCA Disaster Relief and the ELCA Hunger Appeal. We work with Lutheran World Relief to provide disaster relief kits to people in need around the world affected by natural disasters, public health disasters, political unrest, and war. This photo shows our recent collection to help the families of Family Promise of Morris County. We delight in hands-on help for our community as well. We have been a support congregation for Family Promise of Morris County since its inception (originally Interfaith Council for Homeless Families) in 1986. We have a year-round non-perishable food collection to support the Parsippany Area Emergency Food Pantry. We collect funds to purchase gift cards to local grocery stores for Food Pantry guests to be able to purchase perishable food items like meat, dairy, bread and produce. We also participate in advocacy regarding issues related to hunger, homelessness, and social injustice. If you have a particular passion for an individual mission we’d like to hear about it.

Join us in our service….

Meet our Team


Pastor Mary Anne “Psomi” Psomas-Jackloski

The Rev. Mary Anne “Psomi” Psomas Jackloski, preferably called “Psomi”, originally joined us as a seminarian in her final year of internship before ordination. On April 15, 2023 Psomi was Ordained and Installed as Pastor of St. Andrew.

Originally of Catholic upbringing, Psomi felt called to ministry from a very young age. She spent almost 40 years working with youth ministry and college campus ministry in the Catholic Church. But she longed for more, to be ordained as a pastor and lead worship. She found, in the Lutheran Church, a welcome and a calling. She began seminary at Drew Theological School and transferred to United Lutheran Seminary in Philadelphia to complete her seminary coursework. We rejoice with her in her Ordination, celebrate her Installation, feel blessed to call her Pastor of St. Andrew, and look forward to a new adventure as we help each other to grow into the future.


Don Ehrmann, Minister of Music

Don Ehrmann is an incredibly talented musician and St. Andrew’s Minister of Music. He has served God and St. Andrew for over 25 years and over 50 years as a church musician. While he can record and lay down a variety of tracks on our keyboard and make a piece of music sound absolutely orchestral, he also can rock the organ, direct the choir, sing tenor, and play and direct the handbell choir, sometimes in multiple roles at once. Don can sit down at the keyboard and pull a song from thin air from just about any period of his devoted career as a church musician. The catalog of music is his head, ready at his fingertips, is incredible. Full of interesting trivia, Don is a fan of historical fiction and non-fiction, and enjoys a good Dark & Stormy.


Kurt Gahan, Deacon

Kurt Gahan was installed as St. Andrew’s Deacon in Jan. 2011. Kurt, a 30-year member of St. Andrew, completed a 2-year Diakonia course in 2010 which included 12 individual courses taught by Lutheran clergy, a number of projects, and practical exercises and activities for developing his Biblical and scholarly knowledge of faith practices. Learn more about Diakonia at diakoniausa.org/diakonia-curriculum .

He has served as a Christian Education Team Leader, Sunday School teacher, member of the Church Council, Congregational Coordinator of Church Faith & Life, and led a Contemplative Prayer program. Wildly creative, Kurt frequently dreams up fun and unique projects to engage members of the congregation in a fun activity to learn about our Lutheran faith. He has spearheaded congregational service projects involving quilt and mask making for disaster relief projects for Lutheran World Relief and ELCA Disaster Relief. He enjoys studying Martin Luther and reading the many discussions on Luther’s teachings, the Church, faith, and spirituality in today’s world. He also enjoys the art of flag dancing and is a fire department Chaplain. He has hand-crafted multiple sets of paraments for the altar, stoles or albs for pastors, and banners for the sanctuary.

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Ashley Santino, Director, Children’s Circle

Ashley Santino is the Director of Children’s Circle Day Care Center at Saint Andrew Lutheran Church. She has been a member of the staff and providing service to the children in our program since 2012.


Jamie Weber

Jamie joined St. Andrew as our Front Office Administrator, part-time, in November 2024. She will be in the office Monday - Thursday 12-3.